60 Million Reasons To Be Excited About the Future

There’s big news from Fiverr this week. But before I talk about that, I just want to say thanks. Thanks for your talent. Thanks for your passion. Thanks for being true to who you are and for sharing all of this with us.

Almost 6 years after starting this journey, we are millions of members stronger. The marketplace we’ve built together enabled more than 25 million transactions all over the world. Your success stories inspire us to think big and gets us out of bed each morning.

And speaking of big, we’ve just announced that Fiverr recently raised $60 million in capital. This investment strengthens Fiverr for the foreseeable future and allows us to continue, heads down, running hard to fully realize our vision. This will help us open more Fiverr offices around the world, acquire new businesses that will help us scale up, and — most importantly — invest in your success.

I also want you to know that we’ve been listening to you. Each day our buyers and sellers are telling us that they want to do more with the platform we built together. There is a hunger to achieve larger goals and offer more advanced services. And this is where the other big news comes in. A few months ago we started to experiment with giving our sellers more pricing flexibility, including allowing changing the base price of a Gig. I’m excited to let you know that over the next several weeks, we’ll be introducing new Gig Packages across several sub-categories. (Click here for more information about Packages.) Right now, you can see Packages live in Book Covers & Packaging, with more sub-categories to follow soon.

Gig Packages are a natural evolution of our business. These improvements will let you earn more, create greater value for buyers and even help you compete for larger projects. It should also create greater transparency and less friction with buyers.

We can’t wait for you to experience the new things we are building for you on Fiverr. You can bet we’ll continue to roll out new features that make Fiverr an even more indispensable part of this community’s lives. It’s been an amazing journey, but we are not done. In fact, the best is yet to come.


Chief Executive Officer

The post 60 Million Reasons To Be Excited About the Future appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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