5 Tricks You Don’t Know about Gmail That Can Help Your Business

Productivity and time saving techniques are key in the success of startup or small business. At Fiverr, we understand that things can get hectic when organizing your daily tasks. However, there are different things that can be done in order to help your business stay organized and efficient, including something as simple as using Gmail.

There are a number of tricks that can be used to increase productivity and help your business using Gmail that you might not be aware of. Let’s take a look at a few that you might use for your business:

Gmail Prioritized Inboxes

Gmail currently has a system in place for priority inboxes, for professionals who want to separate their most important emails from promotions and other junk mail that comes through. There is also a “Social” label that takes care of any messages from Facebook or Twitter so you can focus on the emails that are most important to you. This is very handy and can help you stay on top of emails for your businesses and keep them separate from your personal information if you are sharing one email for both

One thing that most users might not be aware of is the ability to remove and add labels so that Gmail can better organize and prioritize your emails in the right inboxes. This feature can be accessed via the small (+) icon next to your inboxes.

Gmail Calendar Sync with iPhone/Android

One of the handiest features for a small business owner is the ability to organize different dates and events and have them sync across all of your devices. So, if you are not entirely an iOS/Mac or Android/Chrome user, you might have to do some mixing and matching. This is where Gmail and Google Calendar come in. Gmail and Google Calendar work in tandem and allow users to attach their iPhone or Android calendars so that any invitation sent via Google is added to their iPhone calendar and vice versa. This is a trick that a lot of people are not aware of and one that can truly help you to organize and manage your time better.

Multiple Inboxes

A trick with Google’s mobile apps is that it allows you to add multiple inboxes. This is very useful, especially as your business grows and you become more mobile and use devices such as an iPad or iPhone. Gmail’s multiple inbox feature allows you to separate your personal account from your work account and switch back and forth between them easily. Notifications can be set so that you can receive alerts for one inbox and not the other

Nested Labels

Gmail allows, “nested labels” under larger “parent labels” on the left hand side of the Gmail homepage. Without labels, users are left with a mess of emails that come in a long string and get filtered out into different prioritized inboxes. With labels, you will be able to narrow down specific emails from clients within each prioritized inbox so all of the emails are accessible with one click under one label.

Google Drive

Google Drive, though not directly a part of Gmail is a very useful tool that can help you increase productivity and work collaboratively on projects with your co-workers. Google Drive allows you to work simultaneously on a document so that each team member can add a different thought, which is tagged by a different color with his or her name. The author of a document can give feedback via messages directly to the person in a tab on the right hand side, should changes need to be made.

A trick with Google Drive is that it allows you to circumvent the 25MB cap that Gmail has in place. Sharing large files via Google Drive works just like an email and even goes to the recipient’s inbox in the form of an email. So, next time you’re looking to share something with a team member, use Google Drive and then send the file. It’ll save you time, allow you to keep yourself organized and give you one less thing to worry about.

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