3 Ways to Utilize Print Marketing for Your Website

This post was created in partnership with Vistaprint Corporate. Vistaprint Corporate makes it easier than ever to create and customize unique marketing materials to represent your business. We are focused on providing quality materials at an affordable price. Mix and match sizes, paper stocks and finishes to get the exact look you want to promote your brand, your business and yourself.

For small businesses, print marketing has become more powerful than ever. Not only is it cost effective, visually appealing and message driving, but it is also something tangible so you can stay top of mind with your customers. The following are some ways to help drive traffic to your website using print products.

Tactic #1: Direct Mail

Over the past decade it seems our email inboxes have become inundated with mail, and spam is at an all-time high. Try reverting to the more traditional tactic; direct mail. Direct mail gives your customers, new or old, something tangible to remember you by. It’s also not as easy to simply click and delete, so the physical touch has a higher chance of putting you into their consideration set. To find new customers: buy a mailing list and send postcards with a special offer to increase traffic to your site. For existing customers, try sending them a postcard with an insider offer to incentivize them to visit your site again.

Tactic #2: Tradeshows/Events

If you’re a small business or entrepreneur, you know that trade shows are a great way to see and be seen in your industry. If you are lucky enough to have a space at the event, make sure to include banners with your company name and contact information. Be sure to add your website URL to these banners, giving your customers an easy way to access your site on the go.

For potential customers or partners who stop at the booth, make sure to have flyers and postcards readily available. In addition to coupon codes, or special first time deals, try using contests to drive traffic to your site. Put the contest details on your handouts with directions on how to enter on your website.

Tactic #3: Inserts

For your customers, a simple thank you from a business can go a long way. Whether it’s in the details of the packaging, or a separate note after a purchase, customers love to know their business matters. Take it a step further by adding a coupon for their next order. Gratitude and customer rewards go a long way in retaining a customer’s loyalty to your brand.

Want to execute on all the great ideas above? Design custom flyers, handouts, business cards and more at Fiverr.com. Then, print your Fiverr goods at “http://www.Fiverr.biz.vistaprint.com


What ways have you used print marketing to grow your business? Share below!

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