3 Ways to Improve Your Business in Your Down Time

When challenging times come, you can choose to panic or you can choose to grow. 

Are you forced to work from home due to Covid-19 outbreaks? Or are you finding yourself with extra downtime? Focusing on growth can be a great way to help both your mental and physical health. 

Here are three ways to improve yourself and your business during this time…

Evaluate, Schedule, And Get Dressed

It is tempting to stay in bed longer and rock the pajamas all day. 

Of course, if you are experiencing illness you need rest. But if not, even if you are working from home, you will want to get up and get dressed for the day. Eat well, exercise, and keep your energy high. 

Now is a good time to create a productive morning routine for yourself, your family, and your business. Implement it now to create the habit and carry on even when you get back to a normal schedule. 

Six-Figure Social Media Entrepreneur Natalie Zfat says, 

“One of the most wonderful things about working from home is that you get to enjoy the comfort of your home all day. It’s also one of the most dangerous things about working from home.” 

Zfat recommends sticking to a schedule, looking the part, and setting boundaries.

Evaluate what is working and what is not. When you’re in the trenches doing the work, you may not take time to step back and see if you’re actually making progress. This is a great time to review your business and life to see what changes and improvements you can make. 

Build Your Personal Brand

Whether you already own your own business or are working for someone else, personal branding is important. Your personal brand is what establishes who you are in business and it can stay with you even when you switch jobs or career paths. 

This is a great time for you to finally build that personal brand website which can act as a hub for everything you do. You can also set up corresponding social media accountsif you have not alreadyand create some content around what makes you stand out. You could even dive into something new by selling your services online.

When creating your personal brand website and profiles, remember to focus on how your work can help others. According to Bryan Collins, the author of “How to Successfully Build Your Personal Brand,” he offers this advice: 

“While it’s fine to demonstrate credibility, building a personal brand starts with understanding who your audience is, what they want and how you can help them.” 

Update Your Skills Or Learn Something New

Is there a skill you have wanted to learn but have not had the time? Is there something you could add to what you already know that would make your work more valuable? Take advantage of the downtime to learn new skills or improve old ones. 

Online learning platforms help you increase your knowledge, productivity, and creativity right from home. Learning new skills can help protect your family financially even when times get tough. New skills can also help you give back to others while we are all in this together. 

As the late and dearly loved Basketball Coach John Wooden said, 

“Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.”

Cheers to making the best out of the times we are in while staying productive and improving your business and life. 

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