3 Million Ways to Make Money on Your iPhone

This article was published by Micha Kaufman, Co-founder and CEO of Fiverr® on the Forbes blog.

We’re a society on the move. There’s no longer a need to be tied to our offices to transact business. On Cyber Monday, one in three purchases was on mobile devices (phones and tablets), with Apple accounting for 80% of mobile sales, according to Custora Pulse, the real-time dashboard of U.S. e-commerce. And 2013 is the first year that U.S. adults will spend more time on non-voice mobile activities than online on desktop and laptop computers, eMarketer estimates.

But you freelancers, consultants, and small business owners know that better than anybody. You unchained yourselves from your desk jobs to pursue your passions and now work out of cafes, hotels, and living rooms. Wherever you go, your stock-in-trade goes with you.

The same goes for your client base. They’re looking to connect with the services and goods they need anywhere and everywhere. That’s why it’s crucial that they can reach you quickly and easily while they’re on the go.

Being able to meet clients on their terms is at the heart of the new labor force of entrepreneurs, which we call the Gig Economy. It didn’t used to be that way. In our parent’s day, there was a clear dividing line between work and play, with set hours, and fixed locations. Work was a thing you did to make a living and provide security for your family, not what you felt most passionate about or carried with you everywhere.

But as the world becomes wholly interconnected, and business hours are 24/7 rather than nine to five, flexibility and initiative are increasingly essential to success. Now work is play, as we get paid to do what we love. Mobile is the tool that enables this ultimate adaptability and empowers us to just say no to the daily grind.

Knowing that the Gig Economy has no boundaries, we at Fiverr have been working like crazy to give the sellers and buyers in our global online marketplace the ability to get together, no matter where they are. I’m thrilled to say that the new Fiverr mobile app does just that.

But it also does a whole lot more. We wanted to create an app that’s not just an extension of the Fiverr desktop, but one that also makes the best use of the iPhone’s unique capabilities for a whole new level of discovery and engagement.

What does that mean for you? It means that in two swipes, your potential clients will be able to search through 3 million+ Gigs and 120 product and service categories to filter, preview, and find the right seller. Customers will have direct and instant access to your services, be able to purchase in a single click, and give you feedback.

We live in a device-agnostic age. People are watching, talking, and making big things happen across every screen, no matter the size. And whether you’re offering a quick service for a couple people, or a long-term collaboration for thousands, you need to meet your clients wherever they may be.

When deals are closed across the world, on sidewalks, and in the palms of our hands, that’s when the real fun begins.

The post 3 Million Ways to Make Money on Your iPhone appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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