15 Great Entrepreneur Success Stories

Have you ever considered becoming an entrepreneur on Fiverr? Perhaps you’ve been a buyer and wondered if you could excel at selling your own Gig? Here are 15 entrepreneurs’ case studies that tell the inspiring stories of people who have changed their lives through Fiverr. Their path to success may surprise you – and inspire you to take a leap and get started with your Fiverr career.

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Top Entrepreneur Stories To Inspire You in 2017 & Beyond

Morissa @ Feefeertr

Morissa has been a Fiverr seller since high school and is most celebrated for her writing, editing, and proofreading Gigs. Her passion and tremendous drive to turn in work early – and stay up until 4:00 am if necessary – are what have led to her stand-out success. Morissa loves the flexibility Fiverr has given her: while she may work odd hours with some of her international clients, she has the freedom to sit outside and relax on a sunny afternoon. In addition to being a best-seller on Fiverr, she is now also a best-selling author, and runs her own publishing company, GenZ Publishing. Learn how Morissa used the skills she learned through Fiverr to launch her own company. [Read full story]

I am the type of person who will stay up until 4:00 am working, and I like to get tasks completed early, which is different from many people’s working styles.

Joe @ Joebrise

An artist from Spain, Joe had trouble finding work as a graphic designer in his small coastal town. He discovered Fiverr after his nephew showed him a professional logo he’d bought from the site. Inspired, Joe published his first graphic design Gig. His success on Fiverr began once he discovered his niche target audience: freelancers and startups who needed quality graphic design at an affordable price. Joe makes growing his business his number one priority, constantly updating his social media and his Gigs, responds to buyer requests quickly, and sets himself new goals. His number one advice for new Fiverr sellers is to find your niche market, consult the Fiverr Forum, and keep setting and surpassing new goals. Discover how he makes 30 to 40% of his annual income thanks to Fiverr. [Read full story]

I then started targeting my services at startups and freelancers. Buyers launching a new company typically can’t afford an original design or logo, but they still want something personal with good quality. So I created my logo Gig to fit that need.

Alif @ Alifstyle

Alif, a comic artist and 2D animator, first heard about Fiverr from a YouTube commenter who loved his comic videos. His rise on Fiverr was swift, especially after he added whiteboard animation to his repertoire. Alif dedicated himself to studying animation and learning its more complex forms, striving to become the best at what he does so he’d have more skills to offer buyers. Within six months of selling on Fiverr, he was able to retire from his full-time job as a comic book editor and spend more time with his family. Learn more about how Alif built his business exclusively from Fiverr projects. [Read full story]

One of my clients from Fiverr asked me to draw character poses and props for his animation. I did the drawing and then he animated the cartoon. After seeing the result, I was so excited to see my cartoon come to life. In fact, the client said the animation would be broadcasted on TV in Africa!

Sean @ Yourhighness

Sean began his Fiverr career as voiceover artist while still a sophomore in college and quickly realized how much he loved being his own boss and working with clients from around the world. Consistency, dedication, and a willingness to work hard every day have proven to be the keys to his success. After he devoted himself to Fiverr full-time, Sean’s business picked up dramatically and his earnings have allowed him to pay for everyday expenses in college as well as save money for the future. Discover how Sean is on his way to owning a large business in the voiceover industry thanks to Fiverr. [Read full story]

It’s also given me an incredible opportunity to loan my services to thousands of clients all over the world from dozens of countries.

Alyssa @ Alyssaerin

Top-selling cartoonist and illustrator Alyssa first discovered Fiverr during a desperate Google search about how she could earn extra income as a college student. She’d always loved drawing cartoons, but never dreamed she could make money selling them. Alyssa soon found success with her most popular Gig – drawing everyday objects as cartoons. She discovered that making her artwork versatile and scalable to any size was a huge draw for her repeat buyers who could then use her images in infinite ways. Read more about she makes 80 to 90% of her income from Fiverr and can now pursue her passion for a living. [Read full story]

I love when I can see my art impact someone in a real world way. I’ve done lots of work for teachers, and they often send back photos of children reading books with my artwork in them, or wearing shirts for their sports programs with the mascot I created.

Dayvon @ Yourspokesguy

Dayvon first dipped his toe into Fiverr as a buyer before becoming a top-rated seller providing spokesperson and testimonial services. Within a month of posting his first Gig, Dayvon was featured on Fiverr’s homepage and built on his success from there, promoting everything from artists at major recording labels to HIV/AIDS awareness. Dayvon credits his success to treating each customer as captain, whether they’re paying $5 or $100 for a Gig. He also throws in unexpected bonuses with each order to keep his customers happy. Learn more about his decision to quit his $75,000 a year job at the Department of Defense to travel the world and freelance for Fiverr. [Read full story]

I was actually contacted by a record company and they were looking for promotional material for a new song that was coming out. The insane thing about it is that I used to actually listen to this same exact artist when I was a teenager

Charles @ Silberma 1976

Charles balances work as a physical education teacher with article and blog writing for Fiverr. When a car accident left him temporarily out of work, Charles began looking for new ways to make money. Within just two months of discovering Fiverr, he was making $1,000 a month and he soon developed a roster of long-term clients, including a criminal lawyer for whom he wrote a series of articles about car accidents. The secret to his success? Focusing on creating Gigs that he loves, rather than what he thinks will bring in the most money. Discover why Charles credits Fiverr with giving him the confidence to pursue projects like creating an e-course for a top physical education company. [Read full story]

An app company that needed 50 reviews of educational apps. I used each app and wrote a detailed review for it

Kevin @ Thewriteones

Kevin began his Fiverr career as a business copywriter by offering an article-writing service. But he soon found his sweet spot writing product descriptions and within only a few months he was able to use his earnings to fund a summer beach vacation with his fiancée. Kevin has an extremely tenacious work effort and strives to turn every buyer into a repeat customer – he constantly studies the Buyer’s Request forum and creates special offers for his Gigs via social media. Collaborating with other Fiverr sellers, such as graphic designers and video creators, has also helped him boost his business. Find out how Kevin now sources the majority of his income from Fiverr. [Read full story]

I work hard to over-deliver to every client, as I want them to feel that they received more than their money’s worth, and I make a personal guarantee to answer each and every message received within 24 hours.

Skyler @ Skyham

Sky always had a passion for writing, but wasn’t able to spin it into a career – until he found Fiverr, which gave him the platform to build his creative writing and branding Gigs. Sky quickly embraced Fiverr’s fast pace, and fell in love with creating each work day from scratch. He credits his success with treating each customer order as a test and using every buyer’s unique requirements as a challenge and opportunity to grow. Read more about how Fiverr gave Sky the confidence to leave Canada to study law in Europe. [Read full story]

I try very hard to treat every order as though it were the most important one, and in doing so, the work feels important. Because the reality is, whatever I’m naming or writing about is often the livelihood and result of months or even years of work for a lot of these clients

Pete @ Voiceoverpete

Pete’s colleagues always told him that his success in front of a boardroom would make him an ideal voiceover artist and spokesperson – and they were right. When Pete made the leap to voiceover work, he brought years of extensive sales experience representing Fortune 100 companies. But it’s not just his voice and experience that’s made him successful – he also put many hours researching the competition and figuring out how to create a unique Gig that went beyond a mere commodity. With voiceover work now his full-time career, Pete has networked with other Fiverr influencers to create the very first combination Gig, and currently employs two engineers to help with production value. Discover how Pete transformed $30,000 of his Fiverr earnings into a state-of-the-art voiceover studio. [Read full story]

“Having closed over $150 million in sales during the last 15 years, I strive for my previous sales experience to be put to work for my buyer clients on Fiverr”

Yoel @ Graphicslc

Yoel’s rise on Fiverr as an animation specialist focusing on explainer videos proves that a good sales strategy can lead to exponential profits. He began by offering many low-priced Gigs before realizing that his animation expertise was better suited to having fewer customers at a higher price – so he decided to offer a custom animation service. After four months, his monthly income almost tripled, and he was able to hire a team of full-time designers to help with his Fiverr business. He is now recognized as having one of the best animation teams on Fiverr. Find out how Yoel increased monthly earnings by 700%. [Read full story]

When you offer only one service – but you do an amazing job –you’ll be considered a specialist. People will turn to you, the expert, when they are in need of that service. I became known as the animation specialist, and the orders started flowing in

Michael @ Zimamedia

Michael is an expert data analyst who sees data interpretation as a form of storytelling that gives people a clear understanding of complex data to help them improve their websites and businesses. Michael applied his clarity of thinking to his Fiverr business by setting weekly goals, building relationships with other sellers, and constantly adjusting his Gigs to fit new information. He learned to go beyond a standard $5 Gig and he became a Level 2 seller in just four weeks. Learn more about how Michael and his wife are relocating to Europe with the stability provided by their Fiverr income. [Read full story]

Today, Fiverr accounts for around a quarter of my income. I consider my earnings as a savings account and cash to grow my business.

Aaliyaan @ Aaliyaan

Though Aaliyaan comes from a tech and business background, he found his sweet spot on Fiverr with WordPress and social media marketing. He attributes his best-selling success with WordPress to his strong coding skills and to Fiverr’s Packages feature, which allowed him to reduce his workload from ten hours to two or three, while substantially increasing his revenue. Aaliyaan focuses on quality over quantity, and advises new sellers to cultivate the same spirit of “over-delivery” for each client. Discover how Fiverr has given Aaliyaan the chance to avoid the 9–5 life and start his own IT company. [Read full story]

Focus on quality rather than quantity. Always over-deliver to make your buyers want to come back to you over and over.

Leanna @ Leannapareja

Leanna was already a successful actress, spokesperson, and model, when she decided to give Fiverr a try and created a spokesperson video. Within a month, she’d made almost $1,000, and hit Level 2 status. Determined to dedicate all her energy to Fiverr using her spokesperson, advertising, and photoshop editing expertise, Leanna put in long hours, focusing on creating the best possible service rather than how much she was getting paid initially. And it worked – eventually she had to hire a five-person production team to help her keep up with orders. Read more about how Leanna has earned $70,000 – almost 80% of her income – from Fiverr. [Read full story]

I have earned over $70,000 on Fiverr, about 80 percent of my total income. My business on Fiverr even allowed me to pay for the wedding of my dreams just this last October!

Bobby @ Wingle

Bobby first used Fiverr as a buyer to outsource some of his graphic design projects. But after reading about a Fiverr seller who used his earnings to buy a house, he was inspired to create his first Gig and offer his own business card and logo design services. Bobby has grown his dedicated group of regular buyers by focusing on effective, open communication. One of his greatest lessons came from an experience where a buyer wanted to cancel an order – Bobby revised the project, worked closely with the buyer, and ultimately got a $270 tip on a $5 order. Now he makes 100% of his income from Fiverr. Learn about how Bobby finally purchased a house with his Fiverr earnings. [Read full story]

After three and a half years of selling on Fiverr, I recently purchased a house, which is the biggest financial achievement of my life.

See? There are infinite ways to use Fiverr to showcase your skills and find success. Becoming an entrepreneur requires balancing good strategy with great risk, but the rewards can be truly life-changing.

Do you think you have what it takes to become an entrepreneur? How has Fiverr changed your life? Tell us in the comments below!

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