12 Iconic Albums Covers Reimagined

In the age of streaming services, discovering new music has never been easier. While algorithms now play a huge part in tailoring the perfect playlist, there is still something so nostalgic about the idea of flipping through a bin on vinyl at a record store. To help celebrate this feeling and merge it with modern day technology, we’ve tasked our talented community of sellers to reimagine some of the most iconic album covers of all time. Check out their work below.

The Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band

 “Like the original blended high and low culture and expressing a Zeitgeist of the late 60s by depicting the iconic figures that made the state of mind I tried to express the late 2010s. The figures are following the path of pop culture.” – @trippiesteff

Nirvana Nevermind

“Nirvana was always a symbol against the mainstream culture and their original ideas lived-up to today’s events as well. The new redesigned artwork upgrades the original idea, but now we have a parent who is not only approving this culture of chasing money, but it also proudly films the baby, with the intention to share it on social media and gain likes which are becoming the new supreme goal.” – @gagadesign

Elvis Presley S/T

 “The inspiration for this design was for it to be kinda like a Pablo Picasso meets a colorful psychedelic vintage comic book aesthetic.” –  @lizardsalt

Joy Division Unknown Pleasures 

“I see a beautiful and mysterious thing from their music, so in my head when I heard their music I see like Heart and Eye become one.” – @tonymidi

Supertramp Breakfast in America

“I took inspiration from the original album cover with the waitress, and I read that the original album cover was supposed to be cheerios in the grand canyon, so I put that in the cover as well.” – @Leonardo_araujo

Prince Purple Rain

“I see a lot of the style of Prince’s songs in my work. An energetic and colorful atmosphere, very bright and neon colors. It’s really something that inspires me.” – @dvincentgomes

Bruce Springsteen Born In The U.S.A.

“The first thing I did was figure a different way of representing America besides the stereotypical tropes.” – @boxofwolves

Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon 

“I started thinking outside the frame and came up with this idea where the prism itself could be playing around with lights and hallucinating with the results.” – @melinarobledo

The Velvet Underground & Nico S/T

“I wanted to modernise his iconic work whilst keeping it true to its original self. Bringing movement to it and adding complementary colors… something Warhol started doing himself and something I draw inspiration from.” – @Georgefairbairn

Blondie Parallel Lines

“We added the rainbow colors as a statement that the world is more fluid today.” – @viz_a_viz

David Bowie Aladdin Sane

“For me, David Bowie always represents avant-garde and futurism, no matter his music or his style. Even though he left this world, he never left us and he could still live in a digital world.” – @jetzon

N.W.A. Straight Outta Compton 

“The inspiration behind this illustration is the unfortunate state of our society and almost as social progress is going backwards.” – @lannyhoang

What’s your favorite album cover? Leave a comment in the notes below!

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