10 Best Songs to Get You Pumped for Work

This article was published by Micha Kaufman, Co-founder and CEO of Fiverr® on the Forbes blog.

We listen to music when strolling through the park, in the car, and while sweating out a 10k run. With songs at our fingertips on smartphones and computers, it’s easy for us to create a different soundtrack for every aspect of our lives.

Somewhere music hasn’t been embraced: the office. In the traditional, 9-to-5 workplace, music is often viewed as a distraction. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Studies have found that the right tunes can help us finish our work faster and brainstorm better.

One study even found that when surgeons listened to music while working, their speed and accuracy improved. Music puts us in a good mood, helps us stay calm and focused, and keeps us energized when we’re running on empty. Happy people are simply more productive.

You lucky freelancers and entrepreneurs can harness the power of music while you work, without worrying about your boss frowning at you across the room. Even better? You can blast those beats and listen without your headphones or pesky interruptions. Gone are the days of the guy in the next cubicle having a sneezing fit or the woman across the office incessantly clicking her pen during your favorite chorus.

As a serial entrepreneur (and serious music fanatic) myself, I have a go-to list of songs that get me motivated and my creative juices flowing. Hit play on these inspiring jams and — before you know it — your to-do list is history. Here are my top tunes to rock out to while I’m working:

#1) This Heart’s On Fire – Wolf Parade

#2) Elephant – Tame Impala

#3) We Own The Sky – M83

#4) Take Me To Church – Hozier

#5) On the Water – The Walkmen

#6) Always Alright – Alabama Shakes

#7) High Ball Stepper – Jack White

#8) Some Chords -Deadmau5

#9) Divers – Jay Haze House Remix – Boozoo Bajou

#10) Got To My Head – Waters

Listen to Micha’s playlist on Spotify and get pumped for work.

The post 10 Best Songs to Get You Pumped for Work appeared first on Official Fiverr Blog.

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